Economic forecasting is the process of attempting to predict the future condition of the economy using a combination of important and widely-followed indicators. Economic forecasting typically tries to come up with a future gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate, involving the building of statistical models with inputs of several key variables, or indicators. Some of the primary economic indicators include inflation, interest rates, industrial production, consumer confidence, worker productivity, retail sales and unemployment rates, to name several.

the availability of a solid economic  forecast is essential  when taking and economic decision either in private business of in government policies,

at Econytics we  provide flexible approach to economic forecasting that is designed to  bring you the information that you need to take your  decision on a solid foundation of detailed information and forecast to the level of detail that you desire, using state of the art methodologies and technologies,  and  a custom made economic models, aided  by a range of Well-tested approaches , and can provide expertise on range of theoretical and empirical methods  in Macroeconomic models, Time-series methods, Short, Medium and long term forecast

With our expert economists and econometricians, we can help you get the forecasts your organization needs, analysis and data by providing in depth-research, total solutions and advising on the most suitable methods and tools utilizing our knowledge and experience combined with your experts team will create a robust forecast process,  and integrate it with your existing information system infrastructure to enhance  your ability to take a more  informed  decessions