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Economic Services - Econytics
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Economics doesn’t have all the answers – but the pragmatic application of economics principles and tools by seasoned professionals can help businesses and policy-formers make sounder decisions.

Our experienced economists are available on a consultancy basis to address your specific needs. Every requirement is different, every client is different and, to truly serve our clients in the most effective way, our economists and consultants are synonymous with flexibility. What does remain the same, regardless of our clients’ particular challenges, is our diligent application of intelligence to produce robust economic analysis, insight and research.

We help our clients to:

  • Be better equipped to make the right strategic business decisions
  • Plan more effectively when entering new markets
  • Understand the bigger picture when making investment appraisals
  • Be better prepared for policy or regulatory change
  • Influence policy-makers, officials, regulators, customers or the public with greater authority

Our consultancy services include:

  • Advisory
  • Commissioned projects
  • Speaking engagements
  • Workshops and briefings